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 TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond?

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Speed Gavroche
Destructureur d'Intemporalité
Speed Gavroche

Type : esTP 6w7(sw7w8)-8w7(sw9w8)- 3w4(sw4w5) Sx/Sp
Age : 34
Lieu : Dublin (Irlande)
Emploi : Conqueror Of The World
Inscription : 29/06/2008
Messages : 1574

TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Icon_minitimeMer 30 Sep 2015, 22:18


Your Result

TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Jewish


Oy vey, where to start! As a member of the Tribe you're not just a religion you are also a culture. Good deeds are more important than good thoughts and you believe in one God and spend time thinking about his relationship to man (and women and animals and himself). You seek to become a better person, but you wonder if cheeseburgers are really all they are cracked up to be.
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TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Icon_minitimeMer 30 Sep 2015, 22:25

Your Result

You are very focused on "Four Noble Truths" and to free yourself from suffering. You don't have many worldly possessions or desire for material things and you don't ask a lot of questions about God. You don't pray in the traditional sense, but focus on understanding the nature of humanity and the ultimate reality. That's heavy. You hope that when you are reincarnated one last time, you will become part of that great power, and not a toad.
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Agneau de Dieu

Type : INFJ
Age : 28
Lieu : Paris
Emploi : :-)
Inscription : 10/11/2013
Messages : 883

TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Icon_minitimeMer 30 Sep 2015, 22:32

TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Catholic


While you were born with Original Sin, you believe in turning the other cheek and forgiveness. Jesus was the Son of God and he died for the sins of man. When you were baptized you had your slate wiped clean. You repent when you've committed a sin with some Hail Marys and celebrate Christmas. Your religious services are held on a Sunday and include singing, prayer and confession (with wine and crackers!).

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TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Icon_minitimeMer 30 Sep 2015, 22:43

Very Happy

Very Happy
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TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Icon_minitimeJeu 01 Oct 2015, 09:08


Dernière édition par Hope le Mar 01 Déc 2015, 17:38, édité 1 fois
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El Senor de ces Dames

Type : INFJ
Age : 38
Lieu : Pouet Pouet
Inscription : 07/01/2015
Messages : 824

TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Icon_minitimeVen 02 Oct 2015, 18:28

Your Result

You are very focused on "Four Noble Truths" and to free yourself from suffering. You don't have many worldly possessions or desire for material things and you don't ask a lot of questions about God. You don't pray in the traditional sense, but focus on understanding the nature of humanity and the ultimate reality. That's heavy. You hope that when you are reincarnated one last time, you will become part of that great power, and not a toad.
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Le commissaire
Aucun rang assigné
Le commissaire

Type : INTJ
Age : 68
Lieu : France
Inscription : 29/07/2014
Messages : 177

TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Icon_minitimeSam 03 Oct 2015, 10:29

TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? 980364christian


You believe that Jesus was the son of God and he is one with God. Darwin was a fraud and only God could have created the earth and all that is seen and unseen. You believe in repenting and forgiveness and that anyone can have salvation if they accept Jesus, even if they don't go to church. He will come back one day to judge us all and so you better be ready. You don't pray to saints or believe in Purgatory or transubstantiation.


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Aucun rang assigné

Type : ESTP 3w4 Sx/So
Age : 27
Lieu : On the top of the world
Inscription : 21/03/2015
Messages : 358

TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Icon_minitimeJeu 29 Oct 2015, 23:27

God, Shmod. You don't believe in a God or Gods, you believe in science. Once you die, you believe that you no longer exist and that's that.

Très juste ! Very Happy

Pourtant, même si je suis un athée total, je crois en la vie après la mort (ou je veux y croire...) sans pour autant que cela ait un lien avec une quelconque divinité ou être supérieur.
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TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Icon_minitimeJeu 29 Oct 2015, 23:44

Your Result

Oy vey, where to start! As a member of the Tribe you're not just a religion you are also a culture. Good deeds are more important than good thoughts and you believe in one God and spend time thinking about his relationship to man (and women and animals and himself). You seek to become a better person, but you wonder if cheeseburgers are really all they are cracked up to be.

Réflexion intense
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Prophète du Ne aux

Type : INFP
Age : 34
Lieu : .
Emploi : .
Inscription : 20/12/2009
Messages : 887

TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Icon_minitimeVen 30 Oct 2015, 21:19

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Contenu sponsorisé

TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond? Icon_minitime

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TEST: Quelle religion vous correspond?

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