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 TEST: How Libertarian Are You?

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Speed Gavroche
Destructureur d'Intemporalité
Speed Gavroche

Type : esTP 6w7(sw7w8)-8w7(sw9w8)- 3w4(sw4w5) Sx/Sp
Age : 34
Lieu : Dublin (Irlande)
Emploi : Conqueror Of The World
Inscription : 29/06/2008
Messages : 1574

TEST: How Libertarian Are You? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: TEST: How Libertarian Are You? TEST: How Libertarian Are You? Icon_minitimeMer 16 Juil 2014, 17:12


You are 91% Libertarian, which makes you a Hardcore Libertarian.

Watch out, we've got a badass over here. A hardcore libertarian, to be exact. In your case it would be patently wrong not to classify you as a libertarian as you are in complete agreement with almost all of the libertarian positions, save for a few pet peeves. Perhaps you are one of those eccentric libertarians who have a soft spot for the trappings of hereditary aristocracy and monarchy. Perhaps you have a personal religious faith to which you assign priority over more worldly matters, or perhaps it's something else altogether. In any event, though you nurture a few pet peeves, you really are an ardent libertarian. You probably use socialist as a swear word, and you strive to banish the influence of statist scum on your life. While you are not quite 100% libertarian, you truly are hardcore.
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Aucun rang assigné

Type : INFP
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Inscription : 24/04/2014
Messages : 149

TEST: How Libertarian Are You? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST: How Libertarian Are You? TEST: How Libertarian Are You? Icon_minitimeMer 16 Juil 2014, 17:46


Dernière édition par Nokomis le Mar 02 Déc 2014, 20:23, édité 1 fois
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Type : INFP 4w3 Sp/Sx
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TEST: How Libertarian Are You? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST: How Libertarian Are You? TEST: How Libertarian Are You? Icon_minitimeMer 16 Juil 2014, 20:15

Je pensais bien ne pas avoir un gros score, mais là… Haussement

You are 16% Libertarian, which makes you
Not Libertarian.

In your case it is safe to say that you are *not* a libertarian. Whether because you prefer a greater degree of social discipline or economic regulation (or possibly both), you probably tend to find large swatches of the libertarian program to be far-fetched, extremist, and possibly even downright repulsive. If you are not the argumentative type, you had best stay clear of libertarians - they have a reputation for being insufferable in an argument.
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Type : INTP 5 Sx
Age : 29
Lieu : Bois de Boulogne
Emploi : Bananologue
Inscription : 02/05/2014
Messages : 161

TEST: How Libertarian Are You? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST: How Libertarian Are You? TEST: How Libertarian Are You? Icon_minitimeMer 16 Juil 2014, 21:50

You are 0% Libertarian, which makes you
Not Libertarian.

In your case it is safe to say that you are *not* a libertarian. Whether because you prefer a greater degree of social discipline or economic regulation (or possibly both), you probably tend to find large swatches of the libertarian program to be far-fetched, extremist, and possibly even downright repulsive. If you are not the argumentative type, you had best stay clear of libertarians - they have a reputation for being insufferable in an argument.

Wow. Je pensais pourtant avoir répondu de manière assez libertaire.  Razz

Dernière édition par Rascal le Ven 01 Aoû 2014, 15:57, édité 1 fois
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Speed Gavroche
Destructureur d'Intemporalité
Speed Gavroche

Type : esTP 6w7(sw7w8)-8w7(sw9w8)- 3w4(sw4w5) Sx/Sp
Age : 34
Lieu : Dublin (Irlande)
Emploi : Conqueror Of The World
Inscription : 29/06/2008
Messages : 1574

TEST: How Libertarian Are You? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST: How Libertarian Are You? TEST: How Libertarian Are You? Icon_minitimeJeu 17 Juil 2014, 16:07

C'est normal qu'on soit unsufferable vu qu'on a toujours raison. Cool
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Aucun rang assigné

Type : ESTP 10w11
Age : 30
Lieu : Partout
Inscription : 05/04/2013
Messages : 724

TEST: How Libertarian Are You? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST: How Libertarian Are You? TEST: How Libertarian Are You? Icon_minitimeDim 20 Juil 2014, 20:53

Ca va, je me tiens bien.

You are 100% Libertarian, which makes you a Die Hard Libertarian.

Hoo boy. If Ludwig von Mises, Ayn Rand, and Murray Rothbard were gathering for a feast they'd invite you along to make sure they weren't getting soft. There's probably an obscure libertarian group out there somewhere that has an honor guard named after you and the first cryptocurrency carrying your likeness is not far away. You're consistent in your defense and promotion of libertarian ideas, and you've even risked personal standing and gain in fighting for the libertarian cause and the principles you believe in. You've also been unfriended by old friends on Facebook who couldn't handle your radical ideas.

La dernière phrase est géniale, mais ce n'est pas qu'une question de politique en ce qui me concerne. Rares sont ceux qui savent digérer mon style trash.  silly
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TEST: How Libertarian Are You? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST: How Libertarian Are You? TEST: How Libertarian Are You? Icon_minitimeDim 11 Déc 2016, 16:21

You are 35% Libertarian, which makes you a
Libertarian Fellow-Traveler.

Though you are probably *not* a libertarian in your basic political outlook, you are still able to find some common ground with the libertarian cause when it comes to social or economic freedoms (or possibly both). Your political roadmap for society most likely shares part of its route with the libertarians, but your ultimate political goal is probably different from the libertarian one.

D'accord en théorie avec les quatre grands principes du libertarianisme (propriété de soi, juste circulation, appropriation originelle et rectification), mais il me reste quelques points d'hésitation sur des questions que je n'ai pas encore réellement étudié. Là comme ça je dirais avoir des sympathies minarchistes, mais c'est à creuser.
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TEST: How Libertarian Are You? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST: How Libertarian Are You? TEST: How Libertarian Are You? Icon_minitime

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TEST: How Libertarian Are You?

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