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 De quel alignement êtes vous ?

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Quel votre Alignement D&D ?
Lawful Good
2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Vote_lcap9%2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Vote_rcap
 9% [ 6 ]
Lawful Neutral
2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Vote_lcap7%2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Vote_rcap
 7% [ 5 ]
Lawful Evil
2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Vote_lcap4%2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Vote_rcap
 4% [ 3 ]
Neutral Good
2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Vote_lcap13%2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Vote_rcap
 13% [ 9 ]
True Neutral
2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Vote_lcap18%2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Vote_rcap
 18% [ 12 ]
Neutral Evil
2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Vote_lcap4%2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Vote_rcap
 4% [ 3 ]
Chaotic Good
2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Vote_lcap24%2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Vote_rcap
 24% [ 16 ]
Chaotic Neutral
2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Vote_lcap13%2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Vote_rcap
 13% [ 9 ]
Chaotic Evil
2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Vote_lcap7%2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Vote_rcap
 7% [ 5 ]
Total des votes : 68

Chasseur de Trolls

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2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeLun 04 Nov 2013, 16:52

Oyo !

Donc, pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas les 9 alignements de Donjon et Dragon, il s'agit d'un concept qui vous permet de définir la personnalité de vos personnages ainsi que celles des autres.

Les 9 alignement se divise en deux grandes catégories:

-Votre rapport avec la loi, la société, les traditions.
-Votre rapport rapport avec la morale, le bien, le mal.

 de chacune de ces deux grandes catégories, nous tirons 3 sous catégories.

Votre rapport avec la loi:

-Loyal ("La loi faut la respecter, faut être honorable dans la vie !")
-Neutre ("La loi c'est cool, mais ça ne fait pas partie de mes priorités.")
-Chaotique ("STFU, je fais ce que je veux, la loi on s'en tape lol !")

Votre rapport avec la morale:

-Bon ("Je suis gentil :3")
-Neutre ("Être un bon samaritain ? Mouais...")
-Mauvais ("Muahahahaha *rire
sardonique* que je suis méchant !")

Bref, comme le dirais mickey dans un dessin animé ou il dope des animaux (véridique): C'est l'heuuuure du test !

-Donc, en voici un bien complet mais en anglais: http://www.okcupid.com/tests/the-1st-edition-advanced-dungeons-amp-dragons-alignment-calculator

-En voici un un peu moins complet, mais un chouïa plus réaliste (faut quand même se projetter loin) et en français:http://www.aidedd.org/dd35_test_alignement.php

En ce qui me concerne, selon le premier test, je suis Chaotique neutre tendance bon (comme Peter Pan \o/):  http://www.okcupid.com/quizzy/results?quizzyid=7688683909019023835&userid=16371492164561369012

Et sur l'autre Test, je suis Chaotique Neutre tout court, mais dans le test en français les résultat ne sont pas vraiment détaillé et j'ai la flemme de les expliquer moi même et ça serait contre ma nature de mettre un vulgaire copié collé. Donc allez cherhez vos résultats vous même si vous ne comprenez pas l' anglais ! Solennel

EDIT ZOGAROK : Ajout sondage (26-04-14)

Dernière édition par Owlferein le Sam 16 Nov 2013, 16:12, édité 1 fois
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2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeLun 04 Nov 2013, 17:41

Le lien français marche pas chez moi...
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2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeLun 04 Nov 2013, 17:49

Le lien du test en français ne fonctionne pas chez moi non plus.

Sinon j'avais déjà fait le test en anglais il y a quelques temps, et il me semble que j'avais obtenu Neutre Strict. Cette fois-ci en le refaisant, j'ai eu Loyal Mauvais... Je rejoindrais donc sans surprise leurs exemples NTJ tels que Saruman, l'Empereur Ming ou la Sorcière Blanche de Narnia Twisted Evil 

Cela dit j'ai 8 à "Balance", et surtout -8 à "Chaos" et 8 à "Evil", ce qui est je crois la limite pour rentrer dans la catégorie dans laquelle je tombe. Je reste donc proche de mon tout premier résultat.
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2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeLun 04 Nov 2013, 18:40

Loyal Bon ^^
-11 evil, -13 chaos, 8 balance, je suis donc pas trop trop loin du Neutre Neutre non plus.
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2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeLun 04 Nov 2013, 20:12

Chaotic Good
13 chaos, -13 evil and 8 balance
"We all shine on, like the moon and the stars and the sun ... we all shine on, everyone, on and on ..."
-- JOHN LENNON, Instant Karma
With regards to Law and Chaos, you are Chaotic
With regards to Good and Evil, you are Good
Chaotic Good people are free spirits. They play by their own rules and live life in whatever way best suits them. They resent being told what to do, and will break any laws they don't agree with. However, they still have a social conscience and genuinely care about their fellow man. They might be criminals, but not the kinds of criminals that callously hurt other people. A Chaotic Good might use illegal drugs and believe that other consenting adults should be allowed to use such drugs ... however, they wouldn't sell dangerous narcotics to school children, or shoot someone to get drug money. Likewise, they might engage in promiscuous sex and have loose morals, but they would never coerce anyone into anything non-consensual. Chaotic Good has a profound respect for the rights of the individual, believing that everyone should have the freedom to be what they want to be, regardless of laws, traditions, social conventions, or anything else. Chaotic Good people tend to be radical thinkers that challenge the status quo. They are often humanists, and seek to make the world a better place for humanity in general. Guided more by their hearts than their heads, they optimistically (and perhaps naively) believe that "peace will guide the planets and love will rule the stars."
Chaotic Good is essentially anti-establishment and anti-military. It doesn't trust the authorities, believing that all governments are inherently corrupt, and that Law and Evil tend to go hand in hand. The worst horrors to ever befall humanity -- the Nazi Holocaust, the Stalinist purges, Pol Pot's Year Zero, the brutalities of Mao -- were all made possible by militant police states using "law and order" to dehumanize and destroy innocent people. Fascist, communist, whatever ... political affiliation is ultimately irrelevant. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and money is the root of all evil. Thus, laws are often abused by the authorities to prop up their own egos and/or line their own pockets. Majority rule and forced assimilation do more harm than good, and people should be allowed to basically do their own thing without interference, as long as they aren't hurting anyone else. A hippie commune, a (peaceful) anarchist collective, and a loose circle of bohemian artists are examples of Chaotic Good societies, which is to say small groups of like-minded individuals co-existing in peace and empathy. In the Chaotic Good worldview, we're all in this together, we're all brothers and sisters, and we all shine on ...
Quick Scoring Guide
chaos scores of 8 to 19 : generally chaotic
chaos scores of 20 to 29 : exceptionally chaotic
chaos scores of 30 & up : crazy
evil scores of -8 to -19 : generally good
evil scores of -20 to -29 : exceptionally good
evil scores of -30 & down : saint
Your polar opposite is : Lawful Evil
Fictional Examples of CHAOTIC GOOD
The Elves of Middle-Earth (Tolkien) ... Robin Hood ... Zorro ... Bernard The Woodpecker (Still Life With Woodpecker) ... Wolf and his clan (The Talisman) ... BOC's "Sir Rastus Bear" and "The Great Sun Jester" ... Steve Miller's "Space Cowboy" (actually, a lot of Steve Miller song characters) ... Clint Eastwood as "Blondie" (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly) ... Kowalski and Super Soul (Vanishing Point, possibly the most important movie about freedom ever made ... and the cool-looking black guy in the picture is Super Soul, if you were wondering)
Possible Real-Life Examples of CHAOTIC GOOD
John Lennon (songs like Instant Karma and Imagine pretty much epitomize everything this alignment stands for) ... Tolkien-influenced singer-songwriter Marc Bolan from T. Rex ... the visionary artist-musician Don Van Vliet (better known as Captain Beefheart) ... surreal cartoonist B. Kliban ... Abbie Hoffman ... Aldous Huxley ... Hunter S. Thompson ... George Carlin back in his Class Clown days ... folk rock hero Bob Dylan ... Patti Smith ... Bob Marley ("we can chant down Babylon with music") ... Jerry Garcia ... deadheads and/or hippies in general ... "The Counter-Culture" (before it sold out)
Your Destination in the Afterlife : OLYMPUS
According to Gygax, your soul is going to Olympus. In classical mythology, this was the home of the Greek gods, a shining empire situated atop Mount Olympus, where the gods (and those few mortals they favored) lounged around in the sun feasting on nectar and ambrosia. Gygax probably chose Olympus for this alignment because the Greek gods were very humanistic and emotional -- thus "chaotic" -- and because classical Greek culture was rich with art and theater and music, which are right-brained or "chaotic" pursuits. This isn't entirely accurate though, because if you read the Greek myths, you'll see that very few people ever made it to Olympus. You had to be chosen by the gods themselves, which usually meant you had to be a hero or champion of great renown. Just being a good person was NOT enough to get you invited to Olympus, and presuming to enter Olympus uninvited was a bad idea. Just ask Bellepheron. Those Greek gods were some moody bastards.
In the AD&D universe, the plane of Olympus has three levels and is located between The Happy Hunting Grounds and Gladsheim.
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Type : INfJ-Ti 1μ ou 5μ, 1w9_5w6_4, Melancholic/Choleric
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2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeLun 04 Nov 2013, 20:52

Plutôt convaincu par ce test - même si leurs généralités sont... simplistes.. aveugles (naïves?).

Je suis un LOYAL NEUTRE ; et surtout, l'indice en "balance" est très élevé ; et... je suis quasiment en NEUTRE (en LOYAL à un point près).

Tout ça me correspond bien : l'idéal d'ordre (et non l'aspiration à subir des "autorités" protectrices ou suivre lâchement des règles), le regard contrasté sur le Bien et le Mal (et les nécessités..) ; puis cette aspiration à l'équilibre... mais pas par la voie du compromis.

Mon résultat

Dernière édition par Zogarok le Lun 04 Nov 2013, 20:58, édité 1 fois
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2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeLun 04 Nov 2013, 20:57

True Neutral
-4 chaos, -3 evil and 11 balance!
"You chose your way, I chose mine."
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Chase El Pacificator
ChasingStarlight, le Besancenot de l'Ego
Chase El Pacificator

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2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeLun 04 Nov 2013, 20:58

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Type : INfJ-Ti 1μ ou 5μ, 1w9_5w6_4, Melancholic/Choleric
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2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeLun 04 Nov 2013, 21:01

T'es un Neutre. Boring ! Pleutre !
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2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeLun 04 Nov 2013, 22:10

Moi je suis bonne et chaotique. Je trouve que ça ne correspond pas trop mal. Smile 

Je vous dirai pourquoi dans un autre message.

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Aucun rang assigné

Type : INTP-T - 5w6 a - So/Sp/Sx - 5w6/9w1/4w5 - Neutre Strict
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2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeMer 06 Nov 2013, 10:36

Neutral Good or Lawful Good
-7 chaos, -9 evil and 12 balance!

Marrant, je pensais être parti pour du true neutral / Lawful neutral.

ça confirme mon alignement NG ^^
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2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeMer 06 Nov 2013, 21:43

> Neutre strict : -6 chaos, -4 evil and 14 balance!

(trop de "balance" pour être loyal neutre apparemment ^^)
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Type : INfJ-Ti 1μ ou 5μ, 1w9_5w6_4, Melancholic/Choleric
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2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeMer 06 Nov 2013, 21:49

Comment pourrais-tu être Loyal Neutre ? C'est vers Chaos Evil que tu tends, cad presque l'inverse.

Et Khendrin, ton résultat, normalement, c'est Evil Neutral.
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Type : XNFP, type 7 / chaotic-good
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2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeMer 06 Nov 2013, 21:56

Citation :
-En voici un un peu moins complet, mais un chouïa plus réaliste (faut quand même se projetter loin) et en français:http://www.aidedd.org/dd35_test_alignement.php
dommage ! ce lien ne marche pas
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Aucun rang assigné

Type : INTP-T - 5w6 a - So/Sp/Sx - 5w6/9w1/4w5 - Neutre Strict
Age : 37
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2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeJeu 07 Nov 2013, 09:28

Zogarok a écrit:
Et Khendrin, ton résultat, normalement, c'est Evil Neutral.
lol oui doit y avoir un problème je ne dois pas être un vrai INTJ Twisted Evil 
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2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeJeu 07 Nov 2013, 11:40

Je pensais que l'alignement avait pour but d'aider le joueur dans son rôle play...

Mais bon...
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Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeJeu 07 Nov 2013, 19:33

Et alors ?...
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Speed Gavroche
Destructureur d'Intemporalité
Speed Gavroche

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2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeSam 09 Nov 2013, 17:05

Chaotic Neutral

19 chaos, 4 evil and 9 balance

"Easy come, easy go ... little high, little low ...

any way the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me"


-- QUEEN, Bohemian Rhapsody



With regards to Law and Chaos, you are Chaotic

With regards to Good and Evil, you are Neutral


Chaotic Neutral people live for the moment. They thrive on randomness and chance. Chance is what gives life meaning, because life is only worth living if there's a chance of losing it. Chaotic Neutral is an alignment of dogged individualists, and no two are quite alike. They are very cynical of law and order, believing that everyone should have the freedom to be whatever they wish, regardless of whether they choose to do good or evil. In fact concepts like "good" or "evil" are basically irrelevant to Chaotic Neutrals. This alignment does not care about morality or justice. Personal freedom is the only thing worth fighting for -- all other causes are ultimately false. They oppose tradition, religion, political affiliation, or anything else that might limit or restrict their behavior. In this alignment, there are no groups, only individuals. They are anarchists merely for the sake of anarchy itself, like the proverbial "rebel without a cause." This is the alignment most prone to suicide and self-destruction ... when living becomes too painful to endure, to die is a blessed relief. In the words of Edgar Allan Poe, they are the ones "to whom life and death are equally jests ..."


Chaotic Neutral is the most mercurial and unpredictable of the alignments. Like the wind, it can change direction at a moment's notice depending on its current mood. Many Chaotic Neutrals have a difficult time caring about anyone or anything for very long. They change sides as easily as they change clothes, and relying on them is dangerous because a Chaotic Neutral can turn on you at a moment's notice ... although to be fair, they're all different, so some are more trustworthy than others. They don't place a high value on life, and might gamble with their own lives just for a thrill. A troubled teen on a death trip is a good example of Chaotic Neutral. So is a hopeless junkie, a compulsive gambler, a burglar that shoots first and thinks later, or anyone else that ignores long-term consequences for immediate gratification. They can be anything from empty-headed thrillseekers to brilliant existential philosophers -- the only thing they all have in common is their contempt for The System and for society in general. Their often overwhelming apathy tends to be their only real comfort. For Chaotic Neutral, "the future's uncertain and the end is always near ..."


Quick Scoring Guide

chaos scores of 8 to 19 : rather chaotic

chaos scores of 20 to 29 : very chaotic

chaos scores of 30 & up : crazy


Your polar opposite is : Lawful Neutral



Fictional Examples of CHAOTIC NEUTRAL

Johnny Boy (Mean Streets) ... Jordan Hawley (Fools Die) ... Jessie the car thief (Breathless) ... Silverweed (Watership Down) ... Dr. Frank N. Furter, and most of the Transylvanians (The Rocky Horror Picture Show)



Possible Real-Life Examples of CHAOTIC NEUTRAL

Jim Morrison ... Sid Vicious ... Wendy O. Williams (although Wendy was maybe closer to Chaotic Good) ... Kurt Cobain ... Jim Carroll ... Lou Reed ... George Carlin, when he was older and more cynical ... Emporer Nero, who fiddled while Rome burned ... Jean Paul Sartre ... many old-school punk rockers ... nihilists in general



Your Destination in the Afterlife : LIMBO

According to Gygax, your soul is going to Limbo. Traditionally, Limbo is a no-man's-land where souls go when they're not good enough to get into Heaven, but not bad enough to go to Hell. It's a little like Purgatory, except the souls here aren't being purged or cleansed, they're just sort of floating around. In many cultures, Limbo was the destination of suicides, heretics, and other undesirables. In Catholicism, Limbo used to be where they sent unbaptized babies that died in infancy, although the Roman Catholic Church later disavowed the existence of Limbo.

In the AD&D universe, the plane of Limbo has five levels and is located between Gladsheim and Pandemonium. Gygax also calls it "Entropy" and suggests that it's just a big nothing, so I'm a little confused as to why it would have five levels. If it's just a big nothing, wouldn't it be just one level? Or more precisely, no levels? Hey, let's ask Gygax what the deal was with that. Anyone got a Ouija board?


Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

You scored 19% on chaos, higher than 97% of your peers.

You scored 4% on evil, higher than 87% of your peers.

You scored 9% on balance, higher than 30% of your peers.

Zogarok a écrit:
T'es un Neutre. Boring ! Pleutre !
Non, simplement un 9.

Au frait, Zog, t'es mon "polar opposite".Razz
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2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeDim 10 Nov 2013, 00:39

Neutral Evil pour moi. Le mal personnifié.

Neutral Evil
-2 chaos, 28 evil and 2 balance!
"There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always -- do not forget this, Winston -- always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- forever."
-- O'BRIEN, "1984"
With regards to Law and Chaos, you are Neutral
With regards to Good and Evil, you are Evil
Neutral Evil people are primarily concerned with power. They have only a limited interest in other things -- love, beauty, imagination, courage, honor, justice, truth, or anything else that doesn't increase their personal power is of little value to them. However, they are very interested in anything that allows them greater control over the world around them. Wealth and power are what matter the most. It's all about the bottom line. Money talks and everyone has their price. Friendship is meaningless -- a person's value is determined only by what they can do for you. Once an alliance is no longer profitable, it may be dissolved and forgotten. Loyalty is determined only by practicality. Those that are stronger must be respected and obeyed. Those that are weaker can -- and indeed, should -- be used in whatever way is desired. Might Makes Right.
Neutral Evil is evil in its purest form. In this way it is the "worst" alignment, as it is bad simply for the sake of being bad. Unlike the other evil alignments it has no real personality or style of its own. It does not concern itself with a person's identity, only their capabilities. Neutral Evil is based purely on greed. It is very businesslike ... cold, grey, and faceless. For Neutral Evil there is no right or wrong, only purpose. It might employ either law or chaos to achieve its ends, following or breaking the rules depending on which is more profitable at the moment. Yet ultimately it views both law and chaos as meaningless clutter. Neither groups nor individuals have great meaning in and of themselves. Ultimately, all that matters is power. Good people, seeking to bring happiness to all, actually bring woe to the truly deserving. The good attempt to surpress natural forces that are meant to cull out the weak and stupid, and as a result of their interference, the would-be winners are wrongfully held back. Evil, on the other hand, sees the world as something to be dominated and controlled, and whatever means are expedient may be used by the powerful to gain and maintain their dominance, without concern for anything. As O'Brien said in 1984, "The object of power is power."
Quick Scoring Guide
evil scores of 8 to 19 : generally evil
evil scores of 20 to 29 : exceptionally evil
evil scores of 30 & up : monster
Your polar opposite is : Neutral Good
Fictional Examples of NEUTRAL EVIL
Sauron and his Ring-Wraiths, Morgoth and his Balrogs, and the most evil of the orcs (Tolkien) ... Morgan Sloat / Morgan of Orris (The Talisman) ... Kurgan (Highlander) ... The Emporer aka Darth Sidious (Star Wars) ... Jack Diamond, Mrs. Perkins, and The Mother Company (Trevanian's Shibumi) ... Napolean the Pig (Animal Farm) ... Big Brother and the Inner Party (1984) ...
Possible Real-Life Examples of NEUTRAL EVIL
Joseph Stalin and numerous Soviet Party members ... Ghengis Khan aka "The Scourge of God" ... Attila the Hun ... other blood-drenched genocidal warlords ... the most greedy and corrupt CEOs ...
(And of course, the ultra-rich corporate interests that are actually running the world, although they hide their true identities and use politicians and world leaders to do their bidding, all of whom are merely the puppets of the TRUE rulers. And don't kid yourself ... money IS the root of all Evil).
Your Destination in the Afterlife : HADES
According to Gygax, your soul is going to Hades. This was the Underworld in ancient Greek mythology, ruled by the god of the same name, who in addition to being the god of death was also the god of wealth (like they say, death and taxes ...). It was a grey twilight realm, devoid of joy or of hope. The souls here became "shades" -- colorless and faceless shadows of their former selves. Hades was a grim place, but more a kind of Limbo than a kind of Hell. Certain parts of Hades were reserved for the truly wicked, and in these places the souls were tormented and punished. But generally the souls here lingered in a numb and emotionless non-existence, so most of them were not exactly suffering, although they certainly weren't celebrating either. Hades was reached through the ferryman Charon via. the River Styx, known as the river of oblivion. Here again is a sense of forgetfulness and negation, rather than of suffering. Considering that Neutral Evil is the "worst of the worst," Gygax lets them off light by sending them to Hades. All things considered, he should have picked a more inimical afterlife for Neutral Evil. I don't like to judge, but if there's one alignment that deserves to suffer, it's this one.
In the AD&D universe, the plane of Hades has three levels and lies between Gehenna and Tartarus. It is located at the very center of the Underworld, the bottom of the bottom. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)
chaos Distribution
You scored -2% on chaos, higher than 29% of your peers.
evil Distribution
You scored 28% on evil, higher than 100% of your peers.
balance Distribution
You scored 2% on balance, higher than 4% of your peers.

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Type : INfJ-Ti 1μ ou 5μ, 1w9_5w6_4, Melancholic/Choleric
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Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeDim 10 Nov 2013, 15:40

J'avais mal compris : les résultats se fixent par rapport à un indice CHAOTIC et un indice EVIL. On est donc pas à Good=8 par exemple, mais à -8 Evil.

Par conséquent, mon score en BALANCE, bien que conséquent, est tout à fait modéré et dans la moyenne. Mon score sur l'échelle LAWFUL/CHAOTIC me fait (à peu) tendre vers LAWFUL, mais derrière cette modération apparente, il y a le fossé avec l'ensemble des répondants – et ça ne m'étonne pas une seconde (CHAOTIC est plus facile et peut être présenté comme un signe extérieur de ''liberté d'esprit''). Enfin sur GOOD/EVIL, je suis donc NEUTRAL, mais là aussi cette position me rapproche du EVIL comparativement aux autres.

En bref, je suis seul dans ce monde de bisounours anarchisants.

Oui Speed, forcément ; c'est cohérent, nos deux positions sont flagrantes et la divergence ici, nous avons pu l'observer partout. Encore vendredi sur la CB Smile
Mais nous ne sommes pas tout à fait antagonistes ; c'est le problème de ceux qui ne se retrouvent pas sur les « bords ». Je pense aussi que nos deux ''cases'' peuvent avoir en commun une certaine amertume ; avec leur carcan respectif, il y a la possibilité de cultiver... la misanthropie, à cause d'une absence d'illusions sur la nature humaine (NEUTRAL) combinée à des attentes particulières (LAWFUL ou CHAOS), donnant l'impression que les choses ne sont pas à la hauteur, trop inconsistantes ou biaisées, etc.

Et félicitations à Phaedren, le seul à se trouver en « Evil » et le revendiquer !

Et pour Tagada => 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Abfab_10

Merci Tagada.
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Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeDim 10 Nov 2013, 18:47

Je minimise tout de même ce résultat de par sa proximité avec la zone Neutre !
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Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeLun 11 Nov 2013, 01:12

Neutral Good, pour moi. Sans surprise.

Neutral Good
0 chaos, -13 evil and 8 balance!
"The struggle of humanity against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting."
With regards to Law and Chaos, you are Neutral
With regards to Good and Evil, you are Good
Neutral Good people are practical romantics. Which might sound like a contradiction in terms, and maybe it is. They don't care though. They know the world doesn't always make sense, and that you can't put all your faith in cut-&-dried definitions. A Neutral Good person generally takes the moderate position. Both security (order) and liberty (chaos) can be good things, but one isn't necessarily better than another. In some situations the law brings the most benefit, in other cases personal freedom is more desirable. It's all relative. Order and chaos are just theoretical constructs. They are means to an end, not ends in themselves. The greater good is just that : whatever brings the greatest amount of actual good to the world. People get too hung up on definitions. Many people believe "good" has a single concrete meaning, and anyone that disagrees with their interpretation is the bad guy. Good people fight each other over different shades of meaning, never understanding that the other guy is not all that different from them. Neutral Good seeks to avoid this, knowing that a real understanding of the world is only achieved by respecting human life, keeping an open mind, and seeking Truth in all things. In the words of Socrates, "There is only one good -- knowledge. And one evil -- ignorance."

Neutral Good is "absolute goodness." It is the purest of the good alignments, the one most concerned with bringing peace, prosperity, and happiness to the world. Being pure good, it understands pure evil better than anyone. Mankind has an almost limitless capacity for self-deception -- in the right circumstances, people will believe anything. Evil individuals or groups will try to cloud your understanding of truth and replace it with their own agenda, until eventually you believe that war is peace or two plus two equals five. Once you can no longer think objectively, they've got you where they want you. Evil's best chance of defeating good is by making people forget that good even exists ... by making them forget they have a choice. The struggle of humanity against oppression and domination can only be won by remembering what humanity actually is. To this end, Neutral Good opposes the manipulation and control of innocent people in any way, striving for an egalitarian Utopia where nobody can take advantage of anyone else. A nice idea in theory, although it'll probably never happen. Just further proof of the unrealistic incompetence that defines the good alignments in general. Unfortunately, the people who would do the most good in positions of power are often the people least capable of achieving power in the first place. And vice-versa.  
Quick Scoring Guide
evil scores of -8 to -19 : generally good
evil scores of -20 to -29 : exceptionally good
evil scores of -30 & down : saint
Your polar opposite is : Neutral Evil
Fictional Examples of NEUTRAL GOOD
Bilbo Baggins after his adventure, Frodo Baggins, and Gandalf (Tolkien) ... MacLeod (Highlander) ... Jack Sawyer and Speedy Parker (The Talisman) ... Winston Smith (1984) ... Luke Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) ...

Possible Real-Life Examples of NEUTRAL GOOD
Socrates, and perhaps Aristotle ... Thomas Jefferson (the best government is the least governed) ... George Orwell ... Mother Theresa ... Salvatore Guiliano aka "the Sicilian"
Your Destination in the Afterlife : ELYSIUM
According to Gygax, your soul is going to Elysium. This was the "Heaven" of the ancient Greeks, the Golden Country in the eternal west where the sun never sets. Most souls in ancient Greece simply went to the Land of the Dead, a grey and gloomy place of perpetual twilight. Only the purest and most noble souls could reach Elysium. To give you an idea, it was probably something along the lines of the Roman Afterlife in the movie "Gladiator" ... the blue skies and warm winds and endless fields of grain. In this place, you've come home.
In the AD&D universe, Elysium has four levels and lies between Paradise and The Happy Hunting Grounds. Gygax placed this plane in the very center of the higher planes, at the zenith of the sky. This is the highest plane of all, the best of the best. Congratulations. Or since it's Greek, maybe I should say kudos.
And may The Force be with you, always.  ;-)

...... ...

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)
chaos Distribution
You scored 0% on chaos, higher than 38% of your peers.
evil Distribution
You scored -13% on evil, higher than 31% of your peers.
balance Distribution
You scored 8% on balance, higher than 21% of your peers.
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Type : ESTJ ou autre TJ sp/so
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Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeLun 11 Nov 2013, 12:11

Refait, j'ai changé de personnalité. L'adresse est là : http://www.okcupid.com/results/the-1st-edition-advanced-dungeons-amp-dragons-alignment-calculator/?var_chaos=14&var_evil=27&fromCGI=1&var_balance=3

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Your result for The 1st Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Alignment Calculator ...
Chaotic Evil
14 chaos, 27 evil and 3 balance!
"I'm the hit and run raper in anger,
knife-sharpened tippy-toed ...
or just a shoot 'em dead brain bell jangler,
the one you never seen before"
-- THE ROLLING STONES, Midnight Rambler
With regards to Law and Chaos, you are Chaotic
With regards to Good and Evil, you are Evil
Chaotic Evil people are all different, and that's the key to understanding them. Each of them is a world unto himself or herself. They are fiercely individualistic to the point of literally caring about nothing except themselves, and view other people as either their followers or their enemies. Everything revolves around the Self -- all else is illusion. Other people are generally just tools or playthings, to be used and/or discarded at will. Only the individual matters, and an individual's worth is determined by his or her own strength and merit. Weaker or less intelligent individuals are begging to be taken advantage of, because if someone cannot act of their own free will, they don't deserve free will to begin with. Which is why lesser people join groups and follow authority figures. Groups have rules, rules surpress personal choice, therefore groups are the enemy of the individual, with society being the largest group and therefore the ultimate enemy. Society must be avoided, manipulated, or attacked (as applicable). Arrogance, rebelliousness, paranoia, and hatred are the cornerstones of Chaotic Evil thought. The term "sociopath" comes to mind (except that this term has become so overused it has no real meaning anymore, but that's another matter). In a way, Chaotic Evil is the easiest alignment to be, since it's entirely selfish and self-centered. In another way it's the most difficult alignment to be ...
a universe of one is a horribly lonely place.  
Chaotic Evil is the most hated and misunderstood of all alignments. Because it is the polar opposite of Lawful Good or "the storybook hero alignment," Chaotic Evil has gotten the reputation for being everything that storybook heroes aren't : ugly, treacherous, scheming, cowardly, weak-willed, sadistic, depraved, and so on. In truth, Chaotic Evil is not (necessarily) any of these things. Each Chaotic Evil is different. One might be a backstabbing coward, another might fearlessly attack head-on. One might keep his word, another might break it. One might be a perverted molester, another might go out of his way to kill molesters, a third might not care either way. The point is, every Chaotic Evil does whatever he or she wants, regardless of how it affects anyone else (ironically, a Chaotic Evil's worst enemies are often other Chaotic Evils). A Chaotic Evil trusts no one, is moderately to extremely paranoid, and loves himself above all others. It's not impossible for a Chaotic Evil to love someone else, it's just very unusual. Still, sometimes it does happen. The two lovers in Natural Born Killers, the homicidal hillbillies of The Devil's Rejects, and the Tutman brothers from Blood Diner were all Chaotic Evil, yet they were fiercely loyal to their loved ones. If a Chaotic Evil loves you, REALLY loves you, they will defend you with a fury that even the bravest "hero" could never match ... if you are in their heart, then you're a part of their inner world, and their inner world is everything to them. This is probably the only evil alignment actually capable of real love, because these people are strongly driven by their emotions and impulses. They love deeply. And hate even more deeply.  
This is also the most unstable and self-destructive form of evil, the kind that would cut off its nose to spite its face. Other evil alignments will grovel and beg if they are defeated, degrading themselves in exchange for their lives. Chaotic Evil, in its sheer arrogance, usually just says "Fuck you!"  This is Prince Mordred, dragging himself up the spear and running himself through, literally killing himself just to get within range to smash King Arthur's skull in with his broadsword. More than anything else, Chaotic Evil is driven by pure SPITE. All things considered, it's hard not to admire them at least a little.    
Quick Scoring Guide
chaos scores of 8 to 19 : generally chaotic
chaos scores of 20 to 29 : exceptionally chaotic
chaos scores of 30 & up : crazy
evil scores of 8 to 19 : generally evil
evil scores of 20 to 29 : exceptionally evil
evil scores of 30 & up : demon
Your polar opposite is : Lawful Good
Fictional Examples of CHAOTIC EVIL
Gollum, Smaug, Shelob, and Ungoliant (J.R.R. Tolkien) ... Prince Mordred of Arthurian legend ... Cthulhu and the Old Ones (Lovecraft) ... cosmic abominations in general ... Michael and George Tutman, Uncle Anwar, and Shetar (Blood Diner, which just might be the single funniest movie ever made) ... Pazuzu (the demon from The Exorcist) ... Alma Mobley and the Nightwatchers (Peter Straub's Ghost Story) ... The Crimson King, Randall Flagg, John Rainbird, Roland D. LeBay & Christine, and Pennywise the Clown aka "IT" (the books of Stephen King) ... Alice Cooper (the stage character, not the actual guy in real-life) ... Jame Gumb the homicidal transsexual (The Silence of the Lambs) ... Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street) ... The Joker (Batman) ... Alex (A Clockwork Orange) ... this list could go on and on, Chaotic Evil is apparently a popular alignment
Possible Real-Life Examples of CHAOTIC EVIL
G.G. Allin ... Charles Manson ... Baby Face Nelson ... Vlad the Impaler ... Countess Bathory ... Caligula ... and an endless variety of freaks and deviants -- everyone from twisted geniuses to run-of-the-mill psychopaths ...
Your Destination in the Afterlife : THE ABYSS
According to Gygax, your soul is going to The Abyss. This was the classic "primordial abyss" of ancient myth, the eternal void with no beginning and no end. It existed in most cultures in one form or another, usually as the ancient chaos at the beginning of time from which everything else sprang. The different layers of The Abyss (and there are hundreds of them) vary wildly in nature and appearance, but they're all frighteningly warped and alien, and filled with every manner of twisted abomination. A spiralling vortex of insane horror ... but at least it's never boring. Which is probably more than you could say for Heaven.
The Abyss is ruled by demons, the incarnations of Chaotic Evil. As befits their alignment, the demons constantly fight amongst themselves, as each demon believes that he or she alone deserves to rule The Abyss. The most powerful demons (the Demon Princes) control the lesser demons to a point, but their authority generally extends only as far as their reach, for no demon willingly serves anyone else. Demons are essentially ungovernable and very dangerous to deal with. They can sometimes be bribed, but they are notorious deal-breakers and they'll constantly seek ways to enslave or destroy anyone foolish enough to bargain with them. If a demon fears you, you MIGHT be able to coerce it into doing your bidding, at least for a little while. But this is risky because all demons are unstable, and if you push them too far they'll snap. As an example, check out the final volume of Gygax's Gord The Rogue novels, where Tharizdun the Ultimate Evil conquers the Underworld. The Lawful Evil devils of Hell, and the Neutral Evil death-lords of Hades, surrender to Tharizdun and become his slaves because they know he's almost infinitely powerful and they have no chance of defeating him. But when Tharizdum enters The Abyss, the Chaotic Evil demons go berserk and attack him. They know it's sheer suicide to attack him, yet they attack him anyway. Forced to choose between death and slavery, the demons choose death. Which just goes to show you Chaotic Evil doesn't fuck around.      
In the AD&D universe, The Abyss has 666 levels. I'll say that again -- six hundred and sixty-six levels. If you stacked all the other planes, one on top of another, they would fill less than 10% of The Abyss. So let's hope they don't fall in. Then again, that might be interesting to watch.

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)
chaos Distribution
You scored 14% on chaos, higher than 91% of your peers.
evil Distribution
You scored 27% on evil, higher than 99% of your peers.
balance Distribution
You scored 3% on balance, higher than 4% of your peers.
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Type : IxFP 5w6 4w5
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Message(#) Sujet: Re: De quel alignement êtes vous ? 2 - De quel alignement êtes vous ? Icon_minitimeLun 11 Nov 2013, 18:47

J'adore ce genre de test Smile
j'ai eu Lawful Good. ( loyal bon)

Lawful Good
-10 chaos, -14 evil and 12 balance!
"On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country; to obey the Scout law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight."
-- The Boy Scout Oath
With regards to Law and Chaos, you are Lawful
With regards to Good and Evil, you are Good
Lawful Good people are holier-than-thou do gooders. I'd like to put it more politely, but that pretty much sums them up. This is the most pompous, and at the same time the most clueless, of all alignments -- in fact gamers often amusingly refer to this alignment as "Lawful Stupid." People of this alignment are blindly idealistic and do not see the world as it is, only as it should be. They are basically good people at heart, but they have very narrow views of what the term "good" implies. For them, law & order is the cornerstone of good. They take a dim view of all criminals, even the ones that commit victimless crimes (they believe that no crime is victimless). Lawful Good people are obedient to authority, never rock the boat, and always color inside the lines. They conform to society's standards and they're upstanding and responsible citizens. Because they are very society-minded, they also tend to be political, although particular affiliation may vary. A patriotic republican standing up for God and his country ... a charitable democrat defending the rights of the underpriviledged ... a moderate trying to bring the most good to the greatest number of citizens ... any of these people might be Lawful Good, because each has a rather one-sided idea of how society should be governed. Different Lawful Good groups are often opponents, because each has different definitions of right and wrong, and each believes their way is the right way. Lawful Good is not a specific philosophy so much as a way of life, a disciplined obedience to whatever group you're a part of and a conscious effort to make others follow the same rules you follow -- whether you're a minister preaching a sermon, a cop arresting criminals, a psychologist treating "personality disorders," or even just a regular working stiff who thinks everyone should pull their own weight. Whatever you are, you have a solid set of morals and you believe in playing by the rules. Your alignment is best described as the concept of "Good" simplified to a soap opera mentality-level for ease of consumption.
Lawful Good is the Golden Boy of the alignments. This is the seventh son of fairy tales, the dragon-slaying white knight, the heroic cowboy sheriff that cleans up town, and every two-dimensional cardboard-cutout Hollywood Good Guy ever invented. These people are your protectors, your saviors, your friendly neighborhood superheroes. Unless you deviate from The Norm or dare to question authority in any way, in which case they're your sworn enemies. Lawful Good is the simple everyman that fights for truth, justice, and the American way (or the country of your choice). This is the contemporary champion of the masses, which changes with the changing times to conform to popular opinion. Because such heroes represent society's highest hopes and loftiest ideals, people are willing to pay good money to watch or read about them.
Small wonder that TSR has geared the newer editions of Dungeons and Dragons toward Lawful Good, finally going so far as to eliminate the other two good alignments and make Lawful Good the very pinnacle of goodness, placing it above "mere good" (and completely unbalancing the beautiful symmetry of the original alignment chart). The more TSR simplifies the game for younger audiences, the more dominant the Lawful Good alignment becomes, and the less options a player has to play the other alignments. Which eventually dumbs the game down to nothing more than safe and predictable Hollywood cliches, the kind of stuff that's proven to be publically acceptable. Which of course is where the MONEY is. Think about it.
"The new D&D is too rule intensive. It's relegated the Dungeon Master to being an entertainer rather than master of the game. It's done away with the archetypes, focused on nothing but combat and character power, lost the group cooperative aspect, bastardized the class-based system, and resembles a comic-book superheroes game more than a fantasy RPG where a player can play any alignment desired, not just lawful good."
-- AD&D creator E. Gary Gygax, 2004
Quick Scoring Guide
chaos scores of -8 to -19 : generally lawful
chaos scores of -20 to -29 : exceptionally lawful
chaos scores of -30 & down : inhuman
evil scores of -8 to -19 : generally good
evil scores of -20 to -29 : exceptionally good
evil scores of -30 & down : saint
Your polar opposite is : Chaotic Evil
Fictional Examples of LAWFUL GOOD
The Hobbits, the Dwarves, Aragorn, Boromir, Faramir, Samwise, and Bilbo Baggins before Bilbo went on his adventure (Tolkien) ... King Arthur, Lancelot, Galahad, and most of the knights of the Round Table (Arthurian legend) ... Aslan, king of the beasts of Narnia (C.S. Lewis) ... The Lone Ranger ... Superman ... super-heroes in general ... Brad & Janet (the Rocky Horror Picture Show) ... Gallant (of Goofus & Gallant) ... Dudley Do-Right ... Forrest Gump
Possible Real-Life Examples of LAWFUL GOOD
Just turn on the evening news. They're everywhere.
Your Destination in the Afterlife : HEAVEN
According to Gygax, your soul is going to The Seven Heavens (so named because there are seven of them). Being equally lawful and good, Heaven is the reward for good-hearted people that follow the rules. You can't just be good and get into Heaven -- you also have to be humble, obedient, and totally self-sacrificing in your goodness. Just like a good Christian (or Muslim, or Jew, or whatever ... take your pick), you must be devout and proper in all things to reach the promised land. Although seriously, you really have to wonder if an Afterlife full of people like that would be any fun to begin with. I mean what the fuck ...
In the AD&D universe, the plane of Heaven has seven levels, and lies between Arcadia and Paradise.
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