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 TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP?

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Speed Gavroche
Destructureur d'Intemporalité
Speed Gavroche

Type : esTP 6w7(sw7w8)-8w7(sw9w8)- 3w4(sw4w5) Sx/Sp
Age : 34
Lieu : Dublin (Irlande)
Emploi : Conqueror Of The World
Inscription : 29/06/2008
Messages : 1574

TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? Icon_minitimeLun 13 Juil 2015, 01:34


Realistic, adaptable, and cool-headed, you can sometimes seem socially reserved, appearing distant and unengaged until you suddenly and decisively spring into action with a clear plan for what should be done. Though logical to the bone, you tend to care little for theoretical book knowledge, preferring to engage with the realities of the world directly. Independent and flexible, you tend to follow your own interests rather than allowing yourself to be swayed by the expectations of others (in fact, you most likely think that others tend to be a bit too sensitive). Daring and decisive, and at ease with risk, you tend to be mercilessly clear-sighted in sizing up the challenges that you face and reducing them to essentials. Though you are not one to split hairs over theory, your analytical faculties and powers of observation are sometimes drawn into analyzing how a physical object or piece of machinery works with an in-depth passion and perfectionism that others may perceive as being in contrast with your otherwise relaxed and laid-back demeanor. The way you see it, though, you would not necessarily be so detached towards others if only they would act a little more logically and make more sense.

ISFP: 29% ISTP: 71%

Roosh V-La Théorie de l'Echelle-Catallaxia-Contrepoints-Le Québécois Libre-L'Histoire de votre Esclavage-Return of Kings-Wikifeet
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Guinea Pig
Disciple de Caligula
Guinea Pig

Type : x
Age : 44
Lieu : Belgique
Emploi : -
Inscription : 08/06/2014
Messages : 1360

TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? Icon_minitimeLun 13 Juil 2015, 10:13

Patient, tolerant, and easy-going, you have a strong core of deep personal values which you use to guide you through life. In your everyday state, you are mild and harmonic and you prefer to meet people in an open and trusting exchange where each of you makes a sincere effort to understand and tolerate the other, seeing each other for what you really are and refraining from imposing foreign and customary expectations and stereotypes upon each other. Deeply passionate about your own projects, and sometimes slow to open up to others, you may at times come across as reserved and delicate to those who do not know you well. On the inside, however, you tend to harbor a deep-running river of values and warmth which you seek to be true to above all. In fact, though your usual outer demeanor usually appears laid-back and flexible, you can become positively perfectionist in the service of those inner ideals that you passionately regard as your own. Since you are more attuned to being true to your own values than to hashing out right and wrong in contentious debates, your natural mode of socialization appears to be one of "live and let live" in which you seek harmony and mutual respect with others so that they may in turn respect you and the values that are pivotal to your inner life. However, the world may not always reciprocate your goodwill in kind, and it is for this reason that you prefer to remain a bit on your guard until you can be sure they will accept you for who you really are.

ISFP : 76 % ISTP : 24 %
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TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? Icon_minitimeLun 13 Juil 2015, 12:21


Dernière édition par Mrs.Pizza le Lun 30 Nov 2015, 13:15, édité 1 fois
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Aucun rang assigné

Type : ESTP 10w11
Age : 30
Lieu : Partout
Inscription : 05/04/2013
Messages : 724

TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? Icon_minitimeSam 18 Juil 2015, 21:24

Speed Gavroche a écrit:
ISFP: 29% ISTP: 71%

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Aucun rang assigné

Type : INFP
Age : 38
Lieu : .
Emploi : .
Inscription : 15/05/2014
Messages : 185

TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? Icon_minitimeDim 19 Juil 2015, 01:19

ISFP 41%
ISTP 59%

Les résultats du test indiquent que je suis le dauphin de droite.

TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? Vache_10

Le mindmapping c'est bon, mangez-en !
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Aucun rang assigné

Type : INFJ 6w5 Sp/So
Age : 55
Lieu : Belgique
Emploi : Fonctionnaire
Inscription : 14/04/2012
Messages : 539

TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? Icon_minitimeDim 19 Juil 2015, 10:20

Guinea Pig a écrit:
Patient, tolerant, and easy-going, you have a strong core of deep personal values which you use to guide you through life. In your everyday state, you are mild and harmonic and you prefer to meet people in an open and trusting exchange where each of you makes a sincere effort to understand and tolerate the other, seeing each other for what you really are and refraining from imposing foreign and customary expectations and stereotypes upon each other. Deeply passionate about your own projects, and sometimes slow to open up to others, you may at times come across as reserved and delicate to those who do not know you well. On the inside, however, you tend to harbor a deep-running river of values and warmth which you seek to be true to above all. In fact, though your usual outer demeanor usually appears laid-back and flexible, you can become positively perfectionist in the service of those inner ideals that you passionately regard as your own. Since you are more attuned to being true to your own values than to hashing out right and wrong in contentious debates, your natural mode of socialization appears to be one of "live and let live" in which you seek harmony and mutual respect with others so that they may in turn respect you and the values that are pivotal to your inner life. However, the world may not always reciprocate your goodwill in kind, and it is for this reason that you prefer to remain a bit on your guard until you can be sure they will accept you for who you really are.

ISFP : 76 % ISTP : 24 %

Idem au %tage près !

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TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Re: TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP? Icon_minitime

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TEST CelebrityTypes: ISTP ou ISFP?

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