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 Compatibilité et "Flow" entre les différents empilements intinctifs

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Compatibilité et "Flow" entre les différents empilements intinctifs Empty
Message(#) Sujet: Compatibilité et "Flow" entre les différents empilements intinctifs Compatibilité et "Flow" entre les différents empilements intinctifs Icon_minitimeMer 11 Fév 2015, 17:15

J'ai trouvé un article, sur la compatibilité entre les intincts ( soucre : http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin/content.php/133-Instinctual-Stackings ). Je trouve cela intéressant, même si cela doit être nuancé à mon avis. En tant que Sp/Sx, il y aurait une meilleur compatibilité avec les So/Sp, les Sx/So ( et les Sp/Sx ). J'ai essayé de me référer à ma propre expérience pour voir si cela était plausible. Et je trouve que oui. Je m'entend générallement bien avec les So/Sp et les Sx/So, il y en à plusieurs ayant cette empilement qui font parti de mes proches. J'aime aussi beaucoup les écrivains comme étant So/Sp ( Albert Camus, Rousseau,... ) et Sx/So ( Arthur Rimbaud, Jack Kerouac,... ). Mais j'aime bien aussi les Sx/Sp, qui sont une sorte de mirroir, à mes yeux. Mais encore je pense qu'il faut nuancer, j'ai aussi des potes So/Sx, Sp/So, etc... Je vous laisse juger de la pertinence de cette article Smile.

Flow of Instinctual Energies & Compatibility

When we invest our energy, most of it is devoted to fulfillment of our primary instinct. The remaining energy radiates or flows onto the secondary instinct and finally onto the last instinct, which receives the smallest share. There are two possible configurations or directions for this flow. In first configuration, energy is invested in the order of sx→sp→so→sx. This direction gives rise to three stackings: sx/sp, sp/so, so/sx. In the second configuration, energy is invested in the order of sx→so→sp→sx, which gives rise to the other three stackings: sx/so, so/sp and sp/sx.

sp → so → sx → sp
Stackings involved: sp/so → so/sx → sx/sp → sp/so
Direction: Compelled toward people. Acting upon and with others as a born insider i.e.- deeply human.

Contra-flow: sp → sx → so → sp
Stackings involved: sp/sx → sx/so → so/sp → sp/sx
Direction: Compelled against people. Seething belligerent outsiders; 'antisocial', provoking, reverse-flow change catalysts. In some profound sense, rejecting the human condition, their own and/or that of others.

The two flows move in the opposite directions. This antithesis can be seen if the instinctual stackings are compared in pairs:

so/sx - including, associating, affiliating, networking, incorporating, interconnecting, introducing, unifying, linking, bonding, annexing, cooperating, receiving
sx/so - excluding, eliminating, dividing, separating, contradicting, subverting, confronting, rebuffing, ridiculing, challenging, interrupting, reforming, rupturing

sx/sp - intensifying, escalating, rising, surging, enlivening, invigorating, accelerating, stimulating, energizing, vitalizing, reviving, animating, inspiriting
sp/sx - dulling, calming, quieting, grounding, descending, lowering, dampening, numbing, desensitizing, exhausting, deadening, extinguishing, making still

sp/so - conserving, protecting, maintaining, preserving, supplying, repairing, sustaining, stewarding
so/sp - utilizing, employing, implementing, expending, exercising, spending, capitalizing, expropriating

It has been proposed that people of stackings that are part of same flow progression generally have mutually reinforcing and supportive interactions as they are channeling their attention, efforts and energies in the same direction. The stacking located upstream within the flow progression has the ability to cover for the blindspot instinct of the downstream stacking, by this also reinforcing the energy flow of downstream stacking. For example: a person of sx/sp stacking is directing energy in the following manner sx→sp→so, in which case someone with sp/so stack can reinforce the sx/sp's weaker secondary sp→so link and support their social-last blindspot.

The relationship between people of downsteam and upstream stackings within the same flow can be compared to relations of Benefit or Supervision in Socionics i.e. they contain elements of asymmetry; partners seem to one another simultaneously talented in some way and also somehow lacking.

The person of downstream stacking usually feels a measure of attraction for a person of their upstream stacking; feeling drawn towards them, they may attempt to become acquainted. In they become close, the downstream stacking person may attempt to provide for the upstream stacking person by help and activities channeled through their secondary instinct (e.g. so/sx may try to draw out sx/sp out of their shell into the social sphere, invite them to partake in some social activities, introduce them to new people, sensing that sx/sp is too insular). The downstream stacking person at the same time feels some kind of deficiency in the individual of the upstream stacking. This is reflected, first of all, in inflexible and overly emphatic focus on their first instinct, which for downstream stacking is an adaptive, flexible, creative area only of secondary importance; and secondly, the deficiency is felt in lack of attention to their primary instinct (e.g. sx/sp may feel that sp/so doesn't know how to creatively provide for their sp-needs and that sp/so is not as emotionally responsive or immersed). The upstream person, meanwhile, comes into awareness of downstream stacking's deficiency in their blindspot instinct which for upstream stacking serves as a creative area. If their relations are friendly, the upstream person will attempt to provide for the blindspot of the downstream person, guiding them away from committing mistakes and towards beneficial and constructive actions in this sphere (e.g. sx/sp will try to guide so/sx away from doing anything that may threaten their self-preservation needs, their well-being, health, and livelihood, and direct them towards ensuring greater degree of sustainability, practicality, and well-being in their lives). The downstream person may be reluctant to accept such help, since this is not something that they generally concern about, but at the same time sense that it is supportive and reinforcing of their lifestyle, since it helps them to deal with their blindspot issues. Such help may also feel invigorating, inspiring, and uplifting, since influence exerted on one's blindspot instinct has the effect of alleviating the neuroses and insecurities related to the fixations of the primary instinct. However, if these people are on unfriendly terms, the upstream stacking person may be openly critical and derisive of the weaknesses of downstream person in their blindspot areas, and look down on the downstream person for what they see as misguided and deficient orientation.

Relations between stackings of opposite flows may feel attractive initially due to their novelty and contrast. However, in the long run, the interaction may feel somewhat boring, unrewarding, uncomplimentary, disorienting, correcting, stifling, and otherwise frustrating to the people involved.

Interaction between opposite flow stackings that share the dominant instinct (e.g. sp/so-sp/sx, sx/sp-sx/so) are usually attractive, interesting and compelling; such pairings are frequently encountered. Both partners share the same primary drive and orientation, which evokes mutual sympathy and respect. However, eventually they discover that they tap into different spheres to try to fulfill their primary need due to having different secondary instincts. At this point, each may attempt to pull the other into the realm of their secondary instinct, but find that while the other person appreciates this invitation in at least for its novelty, their partner doesn't feel comfortable within this sphere and will withdraw. This can lead to disagreement, loss of interest in one another, and even mutual reproaches (e.g. sx/so may complain that sx/sp is too socially unaware and unrefined, while sx/sp will find fault with what they see as sx/so's social vassalage and disregard for their privacy). It is as if both partners have similar strivings and end goals, but end up pulling it into different directions to reach them, which brings about friction and over time loss of interest in one another. Nevertheless, among the opposite flow matches, this pairing is often the most attractive and frequently encountered one.

Opposite flow stackings that share both instincts (e.g. sp/so and so/sp) often have overlapping areas of interests, concerns, and desires, and same area of disinterest and disregard (same instinctual blindspot). They may appreciate what the other person brings into relationship in terms of content, feel camaraderie with one another on basis of sharing the blindspot instinct (e.g. sp/sx and sx/sp may appreciate each other's disregard for the social convention and "lone wolf" attitude). However, partners feel somehow elusive to one another: what constitutes the primary drive, desire, and concern of one partner, the other approaches in a creative, flexible, lighthearted way as something that is only of secondary interest and importance. Thus, while inverse stackings can sense some kind of similarity, they manage to constantly unbalance and throw each other off by displaying an impudent attitude toward the area that the other considers to be "sacred" and not to be played around with. Since these stackings are channeling their attention and energies in the opposite directions, they may enter a cycle of mutual reorientation, correction, extinguishment, and criticize the other for what they see as a misguided focus, not being able to take the other's primary instinctual value in a serious manner. Both of them might feel as if they are constantly pulling the rug from under each other's feet.

Stackings that share the same middle instinct but not the leading one can be said to be most opposite in their orientation. If there is any attraction between people of these stackings, it usually forms on basis of overlap of their middle instinct (e.g. sx/sp and so/sp may have involving discussion about sp-topics). They soon discover, however, that their primary motivations and desires couldn't be any more different, that they do not truly understand each other's orientation and primary desires. Feeling that it is difficult to bridge the distance, they often part ways. Often it happens that one of them finds that the primary orientation of the other is too disruptive to their own world (e.g. so/sp feels like sx/sp is too sharp and socially unrefined in self-expression). In such worst case scenarios, one of the people involved may try to eliminate or somehow suppress the other person. This pairing holds the most potential for misunderstandings and conflicts of all other stacking combinations.
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Compatibilité et "Flow" entre les différents empilements intinctifs

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